CHDS Recruitment Webinar, Apr 1

April 1, 2024, 09:00 AM Pacific/12:00 PM Eastern

On Monday, April 1, CHDS will conduct a national webinar that highlights the Master’s Degree, Executive Leaders, and Emergence graduate education programs. These programs are sponsored by FEMA and are created to increase the critical thinking and collaboration skills of local, state, tribal, territorial, military, federal, DHS, and relevant private sector officials.

When you can’t give your work force a raise or promotion, providing them with quality education programs is a tremendous way to attract and retain your talent.

Please share this with your networks and associations!

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 820 0114 9470
Passcode: 712431

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,82001149470#,,,,*712431# US
+16699006833,,82001149470#,,,,*712431# US (San Jose)

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